受过教育的人 Program Builds 社区 for Male Students


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David Barrera openly admits his motive for joining the new men-only version of freshman seminar EDUC 1300. 他希望能轻松得A.

As a 42-year-old returning to college for a business degree, he was looking for any possible edge as he started his academic career.

虽然巴雷拉最后得了B, 他从班上得到的比他期望的多得多, 包括学习策略, 与其他学生和教师的联系, 还有继续深造的信心. 他还获得了575美元的奖学金.

教育之人课程, MOE-EDUC 1300, is a new offering to help first-time male college students build a foundation for academic success. The course aims to give them the tools to achieve their educational goals while creating a supportive network of faculty, 导师和同伴帮助他们度过大学生活.

SAC began the 受过教育的人 program to help first-time students succeed in college and improve their enrollment and retention rates. The effort began in response to a decline in male enrollment in higher education in the last several years, 不仅在SAC, 但在全国范围内.

MOE’s first initiative is a special male-only section of EDUC 1300 Learning Framework course, which helps new students to prepare for learning at the college level. The first MOE class took place in the spring semester of 2023 with 25 students.

In addition to developing strategies for studying and testing, Barrera also found that the all-male setting also provided a sense of community and support that was different from his other classes. He noticed that students felt more comfortable expressing themselves and discussing a variety of topics with each other. 

“There’s a type of fraternity that starts to build in there. There’s a freedom that exists because it’s all men,” Barrera said. “It was easier to speak up and not worry about what people will think. 我从未见过任何评判. I always saw everybody trying to help each other out.”

That’s the goal of the program, said Ali Tray, SAC senior advisor.

“They had the opportunity to connect with other students a little bit more than a regular class just because of how the professor guides the class,特雷说. “A lot of research shows that the more connected you are to campus, the more you show up.”

Tray was part of the team behind the first MOE class, along with Dean for Student Success Chaye Peña and Professor Casey Lechuga. The three worked together to keep MOE students motivated and supported. If a student wasn’t showing up for class or his grades began slipping, 他们中至少有一个会主动联系他.

“我们是顶尖的学生, 和他们交谈, 看看他们发生了什么事,特雷说.

作为教育部的一部分, students in the class also learn more about the many resources available on campus to support them with challenges in and out of the classroom.

“A lot of times, students don’t know what’s available to them,特雷说.

MOE rewards students for completing the course with good grades. Students who do well in the class over summer will be eligible for a group trip to a pro football game.


“I thought there were barriers to how far I could go. 老谋子教我如何打倒他们,”他说. “You walk away with a different attitude, a better attitude, about what’s possible.”

MOE-EDUC 1300 will be available in the Summer II and Fall sessions. 学生可以通过电子邮件注册教育部1300课程 moe@mc0523.com or by meeting with their advisor and requesting CRN 20997.
