



当一个综合广播, publishing and digital media company in North America tells the story this weekend of all things that help make Military City USA a better Military City USA for Veterans Day audiences in 圣安东尼奥, the success of veterans well served through the performance excellence and best practices of one St. 菲利普学院的业务部门及其合作伙伴是他们的重点. 

退伍军人节期间, Cox 媒体 Group has chosen to celebrate the premiere one-stop shop for no-cost services to veterans and families that is the St. 菲利普的大学 好撒玛利亚人退伍军人服务和过渡中心 (GSVOTC) 位于康纳利街202号.

集团特点 这是对比尔·莫斯利30分钟富有启发性的深度采访, director of the center that is an innovative interagency public intake site where any veteran in Military City USA can come for assistance in higher education, training and assistance programs beyond the bevy offered for veterans who are students enrolled within the 澳门新葡京博彩区. Continuity of commitment to all veterans through the center and interagency team is facilitated, as the center is a City of 圣安东尼奥-owned facility currently in a 25-year lease with 澳门新葡京博彩区 (2011-2036) to provide the personalized services and referrals to all of Military City USA's active duty, 国民警卫队, 储备, 退休, families and community through partnerships with independent service providers.

Widely considered a unique best practice partnership for a municipality and a postsecondary institution, the free center service that includes such partners as Armed Forces Services Corporation, 圣安东尼奥商誉工业公司, 火灾后的恩典, U.S. 退伍军人管理局和美国.S. Small Business Administration is a “no veteran left behind” service model that works.

Audience members will take away critical knowledge that the center team asks no homage, merely the opportunity to serve selflessly and strategically in Military City USA without charge. The free services range from explaining burial rights to employment services because the center is structured to provide veterans and their family members with warm handoffs to more than 200 providers who offer free problem solving on a range of life events ranging from women’s issues to life after service with the world’s greatest military organization. The partners also include many up and coming service providers that are emerging best-practice resources for veterans.

圣. 菲利普的大学 好撒玛利亚人退伍军人服务和过渡中心 2017年是团队作为独立设施成立一周年. 2011年伊拉克战争结束后成立, the center demonstrates the intent of the college in partnership with the City of 圣安东尼奥 to ensure the most modern and effective free outreach systems for human services benefits for veterans. 自2017年开业以来, 该中心已聘请了7名员工,000 transitioning armed forces personnel and while that number includes 4,在整个社区外展活动的386名工作人员, 这个数字还包括2,705 who have received service within the facility through 113 workshops and seminars sponsored or conducted.

Want to join the conversation on scaling up services for veterans through the St. 菲利普的大学 好撒玛利亚人退伍军人服务和过渡中心 experience? Or to learn how those free top-tier services can help you or someone you might know? 给团队发邮件: spc-gsvotc@阿拉莫.com,在大学网页的社交媒体上发表评论 http://www.阿拉莫.edu/spc and hear Moseley’s interview with Cox 媒体 Group 圣安东尼奥 新闻/Traffic Reporter on Nov. 11,早上6点.m. on 河野AM/FM, KISS, KTKX和KKYX,早上6:30.m. 在Y100和KSMG. 有关St .的详情. 菲利普的大学 好撒玛利亚人退伍军人服务和过渡中心 experience, 通过网页与中心联系 http://www.阿拉莫.edu/spc/gsvotc/,电子邮件地址 spc-gsvotc@阿拉莫.com,或电话:210-486-2185.